It seems my elementary years was just the start of my BULLSHIT...being hungry and poor was nothing compared to the years that awaited me past the six grade...My first year in middle school..the middle..the middle..this was the year I finally got up enough nerve to leave my abusive environment and try and find me a better life so I ran away from home leaving behind the hurt..only to find more...I found something alright and it's name was not BETTER..The Middle is where my body started going though changes and I was not the only one that notice...it was not boys my own age..more like men..grown ass men old enough to be my grandfather (To this day I stll feel very uncomfortable around men over the age of 55 but at least I don't get nausea anymore)...From this point on I would never understand for a very long time why those things happen to me...All I know is the middle was the beginning of a whirlwind of BULLSHIT...And then came High School
*squeezing your hands*
I'm going to need that hold thru the next one too Andrew
holding your hand and putting my arm around your shoulders...
wiping away tears...
Those middle school years always seem to be a very weird/hard time...thanks for sharing
There's a reason to kick an old man down the stairs, we're just not supposed to do it.....you just described a pretty damned good reason to me.
~sigh~ I feel like I'm making you guys unearth too much. ((((HUGS))))))
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