Saturday, March 9, 2013


Like I said in my previous post of my high school days...I knew the moment I read that Emmitt Till story and started researching in the library I wanted to do something that dealt with writing..researching and making a difference..A Reporter..I got off to a great start..applying for different colleges...But of course my very real reality slap me dead in my face again...Well me being promoted out of the eleventh grade straight to the twelfth grade was a day and a dollar short of me being able to get the scholarships I needed to fiance going away to college...I had to end up going to a local community college...Life kinda of hit me hard because I was on my own at a very early school a lot of times took a back burner to me working so I can survive...I eventually finished college..even got my master degree in Business..but by the time I finished I was already in the Mortgage industry and got so good at it..I am now one of the top Sr. Underwriters at a major bank..BUT my dreams of being a writer never went away...I still hope to fulfill my dream with writing my poems and short stories..and even Blogs like this..I don't get along with never and I have  not met can't yet...So STAY TUNED...


Reggie said...

Just think, some kids dreams are around being an underwriter.

You're not too old and it's not too late to be whatever you want to be.

I majored in business administration with a concentration in marketing at a HBCU and yet, I never saw myself in sales. Trust me, the people that report to me now, probably think that the term commission was my idea. I don't think that I'm that hardcore, but many of them do.

I guess I never realized that I wanted to do what I'm doing now. When I was five I wanted to be one of those guys that hunted Godzilla and when I was ten I wanted to be a cowboy. Shit happens.

Divaprocessor said...

Right...Life has a very funny way of turning things around...

No Labels said...

I'm with Reggie and Kali, it's never too late; you can do it! :)

ABoyd378 said...

I am Very Proud of You facing Adversity and Spitting in its eye!

*tapping my foot, waiting on Your Book to drop...* LOL! ;-D

We WILL Collab VERY Soon, Young Lady! :-D

Lamont C said...

The great thing about being a writer is that there is no age limit on it! The even greater thing about being a writer in this day and age is you don't have to worry about finding a publisher, you can get on the biggest bookstore in the world ALL BY YOURSELF! And from your posts, if you can make it through life, you can certainly self-publish some books!