Saturday, March 2, 2013


I don't have a first memory..I pretty much blocked a lot out of these years...Probably because this was the start of me waking up to a nightmare...The picture above is of me in the second grade and a class pic of one of my many schools...this is when I realized my family was really poor and the clothes I wore were not my own..but hand me downs from cousins that never let us forget where we got them and that we did not have anything...The meals I had at school were my first and second meals only some days...My mother worked two jobs and did not have time to do our hair every day so we wore braids all of the time..My father started using drugs hard and was unemployed...I did not have friends because we moved to a new house like every year...and the schools we did stay in I had to fight just about everybody in the school protecting my younger siblings from bullies and people teasing them because of their hair not being done or holes in our shoes or clothes..So yeah my elementary years was nothing I choose to try to remember...I only had one moment when I was in the fourth grade when I entered the talent show and my parents were so happy to find out I was the headliner of the show my mother bought me a new and got my hair done (YAY out of the braids for a minute)and that's when just for a quick moment everybody can see I had talent..I could sing and I was good..I had so many kids trying to be my friend after that...even started a little group on the playground..and then just when everything started to feel better at that school...we MOVED...


This was one of the best memories for me as a child...I was three years old in this picture and that is my daddy looking like Superfly..LOL Me (Can you guess which one I am) and my cousin (My road dog back in the day) was his background theme music singers...LOL This was Easter Sunday over my grandmother' house on our way to church..Can you imagine my Daddy walking into church looking like "Bitch better have my money"...LOL...I love my Daddy more than anything at this moment...I was his little girl..Daddy's girl (before 5 other sisters came)right here this man was my whole world and he could sing too..sounded just like the lead singer of the Spinners...These were very good times for my family at this time and I will always cherish them like sunshine...before the Storm came in...


You can take the poster (the above pic) and place it on your blog for the first day...after that, you can be creative and use whatever picture relates to what it is you're blogging on that day. You can invite whomever and how many you please. Hopefully, we'll all visit one another and be a support system...reminding each other to write and share. Without further's the list of the days:
 #1- a day containing your earliest memory
#2-a day in elementary school
#3- a day in middle school
#4- a day in high school
#5- the day you first fell in love
#6- the day you first held a job
#7- the day you found your first best friend
#8- a day you realized what you wanted to do/be
#9- the day you discovered the Internet
#10- a day you'd rather forget
#11- a daydream you have often#12- a day you wish you could do differently#13- a Christmas Day memory#14- the day you hate to see coming#15- the day you graduated (choose any that you remember most)#16- the day of a child's birth (family or close friends apply)#17- a day where you helped someone in a big way#18- the last day of your first adult job#19- your favorite day of the week and why#20- the most memorable day of your childhood#21- the day you met your most recent/or last love#22- a day with the family you'll never forget#23- the day you turned 21#24- a memorable summer day#25- a day you're currently planning for#26- the day someone left and never came back (not death related)#27- a day in your life (explain an average day of yours)#28- the day you had your first fight. why?#29- what you were doing today#30-your proudest day to date#31- Bonus Day: Pick a day you haven't described and share