I don't have a first memory..I pretty much blocked a lot out of these years...Probably because this was the start of me waking up to a nightmare...The picture above is of me in the second grade and a class pic of one of my many schools...this is when I realized my family was really poor and the clothes I wore were not my own..but hand me downs from cousins that never let us forget where we got them and that we did not have anything...The meals I had at school were my first and second meals only some days...My mother worked two jobs and did not have time to do our hair every day so we wore braids all of the time..My father started using drugs hard and was unemployed...I did not have friends because we moved to a new house like every year...and the schools we did stay in I had to fight just about everybody in the school protecting my younger siblings from bullies and people teasing them because of their hair not being done or holes in our shoes or clothes..So yeah my elementary years was nothing I choose to try to remember...I only had one moment when I was in the fourth grade when I entered the talent show and my parents were so happy to find out I was the headliner of the show my mother bought me a new dress..shoes and got my hair done (YAY out of the braids for a minute)and that's when just for a quick moment everybody can see I had talent..I could sing and I was good..I had so many kids trying to be my friend after that...even started a little group on the playground..and then just when everything started to feel better at that school...we MOVED...
Damn...you had it rough sis. :( ...but, look what it made you to be! :)
(((hugs))) Sounds like you had it very rough.
No the good old days weren't always good were they.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. You're a strong one, Lady.
I can relate... you are so blessed now your testimony will continue to keep you going. My mom always told me if you havent struggled a day or two in life you havent lived. (((hugs))
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