What better way to pick up where I left off at then with the internet drama I experienced with him..like I was saying before the comments were more personal then your regular Hello..How you doing type of stuff..now it was not with every woman but just a couple was one that caught my eye right after his Birthday I found out later she followed him there from another site she would leave comments like...I wanted to say Happy Bday to you but you won't pick up your phone and I am sorry about last night baby I will make it up...I was like WTF!! I approached him and he would give some lame ass excuse saying he talk to her on the messanger sometimes and this one night she fell asleep while they were chatting and she was a good friend of his from some old job...(BULLSHIT)..after that she started to not show up so much on the page BUT here comes another one and this one is the one that turned a lot of things around for me and gave me a new outlook on him...this woman would leave messages in another lanague to him like codes...now mind you he knew I was watching all of this and the fights started...he started acting funny outside of the computer also..he started not answering his phone for hours and when he did it was always from the car. I questioned everything as I should and this drove us deeper into more of a division. This woman was very blunt about her feelings and made it known they had a outside relationship also...he would always say she is just a friend but he started catching feelings for her I could tell because he defended her actions and I saw him more on her page then mine... at this point I thought this motherfucker must think I am stupid and can't get anyone besides his ass he got me fucked up HE did not know how many men came to me in the real and cyber world he was totally taking advantage of my love for him and started doggin me out by being disrespectful. I started talking to other guys too but none of them got my mind off this fool..SMDH...I invited this woman to my friendlist she accepted and come to find out she and he were talking for months and he started off with her the same way he started off with me and they had plans to meet each other and everything...she act as though she was shocked about us being together BUT for some reason I felt she knew about me but played on the fact that he never should of told me he was single..which she was right he was online telling women he was single when he REALLY was not and I mean REALLY ( you will know what I mean later). She was very upset with him and let him know it...he came to me trying to explain how he do not know when someone love him and he did not know how to love and BLAH..BLAH BULLSHIT..I listen and still not satisfied I had found out it was a couple of women he was telling he was single too and flirting with them off color...we talked I gave him another chance because I had no real proof he had went any further then keeping it thru the computer and phone... (I know now that shit i just said sound crazy). Well anyway he was trying to make a mends with me and started acting right again I started rethinking a lot of things with him even though I was trying to move on with him. All of a sudden he started talking to me about how unhappy he was with his job and what was going on in his personal life with his ex and his kids. I wanted to be there for my man (MY MAN RIGHT..remember this) because me being of sound strong back boned black women this is what you do...stand by your fucking man by any means...I tried to comfort him and show him how supportive and understand I could be for him...nothing seem to work so my Bday was coming up and I felt we both needed to get away and do something really special after everything that had happen the last couple of months so I booked a suite for my Bday and we stayed there the whole weekend and had a ball full of love..sex..love sex..and love again...there was no expense set for me and my Teddy..he did not have much money but he manager to get me a room full of balloons and a stuffed white puppy...(my Willow)..I chersied that more then a fur coat because I felt he gave it with true love which means more to me then how much money you have...anyway as the weekend was coming to a end we were setting plans to do it again..that weekend Bday meant more to me then the years we ever shared together. Things were good for me he changed and started a new page and everything seemed fine..until right after the Thanksgiving holiday he called me one day pissed off and told me he just got fired and the reason was the weekend of my Bday was not approved...I was like WHAT now I thought something was up to that story because my Bday was the end of Oct. and he lost his job the end of NOV...WTF I was like ok he do not want to give me the real reason why but why blame that shit on my bday and try to make me feel guilty...I mean I use to catch him in all kinds of little lies and ignored them..(BIG Mistake) I remember him acting like he was on the phone talking to his sister or mother or such trying to throw me off..I use to crack the fuck up at his stupid as for that...I said to myself then he do not know who he fucking with for real...I need to watch this shit more closely he thinks he is slick. Right after that he started acting funny again and I thought it was because his money situation was changing and he had a lot on his mind (Oh Yeah he did)...I offered my help to try to get him out of this funk...he wanted to go back to school and get a degree so I decided to help him thru it...I started paying his cell phone..bought him a jacket when his got taking..shoes..clothes...pocket money to keep gas in his car helped him get the car fixed when it would break down or needed a tire, helped him get books for school etc.,(YEAH I was real stupid for this Nigga)..help him with the kids Christmas...he needed it I got it (and as this story goes on this shit gets worst)...now he would always act like he did not ask for it..BUT first you took it and second why bring it up in my presence if you did not want my help...(The Pity Hustler)...I was really trying to be a good woman for this fool but his own greed took his evil ass to another thinking on how he can really play this game to get by. Even with me helping him he still was acting like he was unhappy and kind of pushing me away BUT not too much away because he still needed me, now when we first met he told me him and his brother and cousin shared a place and then later in the months they all moved out and went their separate ways and he went to live with his mother since she needed him..(so he said). But the real issues began when I started asking to meet them....BOY what a man will do to keep a lie going....and then the Drama begins....
Part 3 tomorrow..to be cont.
OMG..I got so much to say on this one.
#1. you already know steve harvey's book touched on most of the stuff you mentioned
#2. I can't believe he would take money from you like that no matter if he asked or not. I tell you, men bitched for years about women being gold diggers and now they are not fitting the bill...my goodness
#3. the lies are getting bigger and bigger and bigger
and in closing..why do men deflect shit off on us when they have the problem? I don't get it. OWN up to yo shit...and I'm TIDE...LOL
can't wait for part 3...take me HIGHER lawd...please
Mann, this sounds just like someone I know. He told me he was single, shared a house, was always getting fired for some lame excuse, went to school, and got a degree, but can't get work in his field, so he is thinking re-location...I could go on, but what is with you? Tagging his page like that! What kind of life do you have, where you got time for this? The things that you have done for him makes one question your sanity!! I know, it's complicated. What we women "won't" do for dick!
Not sissing you gurl, I've been there too! Can't wait for part 3 so we can sompare notes!!
My Sanity is right..I lost all of it dealing with him..That is why this story is a healing process a LEARNING experience..Just stay tuned there is a lot more..AND TRUST ME IT WAS NOT HIS DICK THAT GOT ME THIS WAY..YOU CAN TRUST THAT...if you read part one you would understand how someone that went thru abuse all of their life can get caught up if they knew nothing else..but then again maybe you won't so just keep reading
WOW...I mean, he was definitely getting his emotional hustle on. I know a FEW fools who fit this bill...
Gonna read 3 and wait patiently for 4...lol
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