Sunday, March 24, 2013


My first and last love...Well let's see we met my first year at a Community College..I was 18 and he was 19..he was in my math class..I did not pay attention to him much...but it seem he was watching me and even following me...I kinda of blocked a lot of folks out at this time in my life because I truly was not where I wanted to be...I was totally bummed out at the fact that I had to settle for Community College over the University I really wanted to go too...(but that is another story..told in my high school year blog)...So all I wanted to do was get though this year...I tried to keep to myself but for some reason every where I turned it was always someone trying to talk to me..sit with me in the study hall and it was always some knuckle headed boy...Well any way this one day I forgot my math book and I tearing up my bag in class trying to find it...As I was getting up to leave the class...the boy that was watching me all of this time grabbed my hand and said don't leave you can share with me...Can we say lifesaver because we had a final exam coming up and I could not miss that class..not on that day..After class I thanked him and proceeded to leave school for the day...I did not have a car back then..I took the bus every where..As I was standing at the bus stop waiting on my bus here comes this black Ford Escort pulling up and it was HIM again..I am thinking at this point What the Hell does he want now!!..I mean he was cute but cute was not amusing to me at that point of my life..I had cute before..Cute play not so cute games...He ask if I needed a ride and I said No I got it..he pulled off..HOW RUDE...he did not even try to convince me more...ASS HOLE...A week pasted by..things were kinda of quiet in the class...this one day it was raining hard outside...I HATED days like this when I had to go stand at the bus stop...I am standing out there getting drenched...the umbrella I had was full of shit that day..flipping all up and down...Just as I was about to win the fight with the umbrella guess who pulls up HIM...He started laughing and said come on get in I will take you home...At this point I did not care if Jack the Ripper was in that car I was getting in and I did...He grabbed a towel from his back seat and went to wipe my face...I looked at him like I can do it Thank you..I was such a hard head back then (thinking back)...he started up a conversation we talked about a lot in that 20 minutes...As he pulled up to my house he asked I would love to see you again not just in math class..I have been wanting to ask you this for a long time but I thought you had someone because you were so distance..I was like what am I suppose to be falling all over every cute guy I see and stares at me..He was like no when you said you did not want a ride the other day I thought it was because you had a boyfriend..I told him never assume especially when it comes to me..just ask..he said noted..We exchanged numbers and from that day on we were inseparable ..We talked so much on the phone we fell asleep...He took me everywhere with him and of course I never had to catch the bus again..he taught me how to drive and even bought me my first car...He bought me Roses almost every time we saw each other..he was my first real experience to a romantic date..The first place we moved in together with was his first...He knew of my past and he still wanted to be with me...Speeding up the story a bit like years later (It's a lot to our story believe me)...My first love was my first everything...We ended up getting married..had two kids together and bought our first house together ..I will always cherish my memories with him and the friendship we shared and the gift of life we gave each other...We fought a lot..cried a lot..loved a lot and to this day I can say he is still the only man besides my father I truly trust with my life...We will always have a connection no matter where we are and who we are with...We did more than just love..we grew and learned..But I get this feeling with Grand kids in our future the journey is not over yet...


As the Budda Flows said...

aww girl i hope and pray that the love i had will come back a much better love. Beautiful memory sis

Reggie said...

Nice post.

I remember being a college sophomore and thinking that I was in love with this girl named Wendy. I didn't even realize that it wasn't love until I met a girl named Kimberly a couple of years later, the one that would become my wife.

No Labels said...


Thee_Kween said...

Actually it was most recent/or last love. In other words, had you still been with someone you could write about them, if not...write about the last person you loved.

My story though. lol

Divaprocessor said...

There you go..he was the last person I loved...everyone else after was pure LUST..LOL